September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. PrincessMurderMitten on

      Jane Doe by Victoria Helen Stone

      It’s a revenge novel, you are going to love Jane!!!!

    2. generalbrowsing87 on

      I feel like these fit into the unhinged female category:

      *Nightbitch* by Rachel Yoder

      *The Vegetarian* by Han Kang

      *Boy Parts* by Eliza Clark

      *Eileen* by Ottessa Moshfegh

      *Earthlings* by Sayaka Murata

      *A Certain Hunger* by Chelsea G Summers

      *Her Body and Other Parties: Stories* by Carmen Maria Machado

    3. Dazzling_Suspect_239 on

      Hench by Natalie Walschots. Minor villain gets badly injured by a superhero and takes matters into her own hands.

    4. I love The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling because of how unhinged the main characters are.

    5. A couple I’ve read this year –

      **Motherthing** – Ainslie Hogarth

      *When Ralph and Abby Lamb move in with Ralph’s mother, Laura, Abby hopes it’s just what she and her mother-in-law need to finally connect. After a traumatic childhood, Abby is desperate for a mother figure, especially now that she and Ralph are trying to become parents themselves. Abby just has so much love to give—to Ralph, to Laura, and to Mrs. Bondy, her favorite resident at the long-term care home where she works. But Laura isn’t interested in bonding with her daughter-in-law. She’s venomous and cruel, especially to Abby, and life with her is hellish.When Laura takes her own life, her ghost haunts Abby and Ralph in very different ways: Ralph is plunged into depression, and Abby is terrorized by a force intent on destroying everything she loves. To make matters worse, Mrs. Bondy’s daughter is threatening to move Mrs. Bondy from the home, leaving Abby totally alone. With everything on the line, Abby comes up with a chilling plan that will allow her to keep Mrs. Bondy, rescue Ralph from his tortured mind, and break Laura’s hold on the family for good. All it requires is a little ingenuity, a lot of determination, and a unique recipe for chicken à la king…*

      **My Husband** – Maud Ventura

      *In this suspenseful and darkly funny debut novel, a sophisticated French woman spends her life obsessing over her perfect husband–but can their marriage survive her passionate love?At forty years old, she has an enviable life: a successful career, stunning looks, a beautiful house in the suburbs, two healthy children, and most importantly, an ideal husband. After fifteen years together, she is still besotted with him. But she’s never quite sure that her passion is reciprocated. After all, would a truly infatuated man ever let go of his wife’s hand when they’re sitting on the couch together?Determined to keep their relationship perfect, she meticulously prepares for every encounter they have, always taking care to make her actions seem effortless. She watches him attentively, charting every mistake and punishing him accordingly to help him improve. And she tests him–setting traps to make sure that he still loves her just as much as he did when they first met.Until one day she realizes she may have gone too far . . .*

    6. ilfiumeinfiamne on

      * *Generation Loss*, Elizabeth Hand
      * *The Water Cure*, Sophie Mckintosh
      * *Animal*, Lisa Taddeo
      * *You Let Me In*, Camilla Bruce
      * *Social Creature*, Tara Isabella Burton
      * *Who Was Changed And Who Was Dead*, Barbara Comyns
      * *Pine*, Francine Toon
      * *Salt Slow*, Julia Armfield
      * *Venomous Lumpsucker*, Ned Beauman
      * *We Had To Remove This Post*, Hanna Bervoets
      * *Fake Like Me*, Barbara Bourland

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