September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    A friend recently asked me this question and I found it difficult to choose only one book.
    In the end I picked “Midnight’s Children” by Salman Rushdie, because of the overlying theme of identity intertwined with complex characters and cultural references to the Indian culture. Rushdie’s magical realism deeply resonated with me.

    How about you?

    by Book_io


    1. The first one that popped in my mind was LOTR. That book kept me awake at night, showed me how you can paint a world with words. Never had that type of experience again(HP was close but LOTR was my first). The only thing is that I am not who I was 16 years ago and I don’t know if LOTR will evoke those emotions again ..
      The other one is by an Indian writer Upmanyu Chatterjee, ‘English August’. Not many like that book and it is not rated high on Goodreads either but it resonated with me somehow and I keep going back to that book once in a few years, so yes English August would be that book

    2. Harry Potter for SURE ! I grew up with them, BIG fan !

      Edit: counting the series as one giant book here

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