September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m traveling in low English speaking areas for the next three weeks. There will be lots of downtime/traveling. I am looking for a handful of books that I can take but not feel bad leaving at hotels for others to read. I don’t have a favourite genre, I just love reading other people’s recommendations. Looking for ideas of books that will help the time go by, and I can’t put down. Please don’t tell me to much about it-maybe just the genre. I never read the backs of books. They often give away to much of the plot.

    Books I like: project Hail Mary, the seven husband of Evelyn Hugo, snow crash, the girl with all the gifts, 11/22/63, anything Agatha Christie, Octavia Butler or Attwood, a man called ove, the memory Police.

    As you can see, I’m all over the place. Have a good mystery? Shocking twist? Bring it. Lol.

    Thanks everyone in advance. 🙂

    by cadaverdogs

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