September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I read quite a few of the classics when I was younger, catcher in the rye, huckleberry finn, Count of Monte Cristo, portrait of the artist etc. Count of Monte Cristo was amazing, I would read it again if I lived forever, but alot of the classics seem to concern themselves with philosophy and how we should live life and exploring those concepts through young characters who I don’t relate to that much anymore. Any suggestions for good books, doesn’t have to be a classic I’ve just found I enjoy reading them, that fit well with my age? Other books I’ve enjoyed: anything by Stephen King, recently read lessons in chemistry and the Wager and enjoyed them both.

    by fuckagriculture


    1. GhostofAugustWest on

      Check out Steinbeck. Grapes of Wrath, East of Eden, mice and Men … all great classics

    2. Antique_futurist on

      The Long Ships, The Green Man, Stoner, Butcher’s Crossing, Love In the Time of Cholera, The Sun Also Rises, The Aeneid (Fitzgerald translation), The Odyssey (Wilson translation), Mrs Dalloway.

    3. Don Quixote – Cervantes

      House of Leaves- Danielewski

      Gravity’s Rainbow – Pynchon

      Catch 22 – Heller

      Some other authors you might like

      Kurt Vonnegut.
      Nicholson Baker.
      Don Delillo.
      Chuck Palahniuk.
      Tom Perotta.
      David Sedaris.

    4. thenakesingularity10 on

      for whom the bell tolls

      old man and the sea

      the sun also rises

      all Hemingway. Hemingway writes for mature men.

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