July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    When you finish a book are you one to write a review about said book or do you rate it and move on? Do you read reviews before starting a book or just jump right in? Has a review ever made you read or not read a book?

    I typically just rate and move on. Occasionally I will write a review, but normally, only if I really enjoyed the book.

    I do read reviews occasionally and would like to start reviewing more, but I would like to get better in creating more captivating reviews. I typically only read the reviews after I’ve finished a book, not sure why, but it’s what I do.


    by Wild_Blossom


    1. SoftTelevision6329 on

      When I finish a book I make sure to both write a review and rate the book. Unfortunately, I read through prior reviews before writing my own once I have finished a book and a couple of times I have noticed other people’s reviews affecting my opinion of a book I just finished.

    2. Dontevenwannacomment on

      I don’t do either. But I do think it’d be a better way to get it off my chest rather than what I do now, go on reddit.

    3. Just rate it and move on. If I want to talk about it more in depth I’ll do it with a friend or maybe find a discussion thread. Most places where reviews are posted are very one sided. I’m less interested in someone reading my thoughts on a book than the opportunity to talk with people about it.

    4. when i finish a book i usually just rate it and move on, im the same if i loved it ill write a review but i typically don’t write reviews for books i didn’t enjoy because i feel bad 😂 i definitely want to start reviewing more as well but i just can never put into words how i feel its annoying.

      sometimes i read a couple of reviews before i read a book with no spoilers just to get the general idea of what i’m expecting if i haven’t seen anything about that book. but more often than not i prefer to go in completely blind just based off the blurb.

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