September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    We always know our favorite books but what about book characters?

    For some reason, even after years after finishing the series, I still remember Rose Hathaway from The Vampire Academy. I most definitely have outgrown the series but I still love her spunk and humor. Mead’s development of the character was just so beautifully done.

    Also, Jamie Fraser… because, I mean, who wouldn’t? 😮‍💨

    by santeremia


    1. Yes to Jamie Fraser but also Rebecca Bloomwood from the Shopaholic series. She’s just so sunny and bright and capable I just love her haha

    2. Peppery_penguin on

      *Eli Sisters* from Patrick deWitt’s *The Sisters Brothers*. His struggles and his witty commentary get me every time.

    3. Spot from “All the dust that falls” to summerize it’s a roomba that gets isekai’d and freaks everyone out by doing roomba things,like cleaning the floor and eating up their magic circle barriers drawn on the floor, it then gets misinterpretted as god-tier demon by locals. Spot is a good boy and only wants to help humans and clean messes

    4. Wow, what a question! Probably **Don Gately** from Infinite Jest. He just feels so much like a real person to me, it’s insane. I love the way he talks, and thinks, and acts. I love how he’s such a brute who has a skewed sense of morality but also a big heart. I love how he keeps fighting his demons until the end. I just love him.

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