September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello all,

    I’m looking for a book where the MC is actively looking for a magical/alt universe.
    Only requirement is actively looking for
    Cannot be stumble into like lion witch and the wardrobe. More like Lucy’s
    attitude in Dawn Treader
    MC cannot have the attitude of I wanna go home to original universe

    by Bearsbunbun


    1. Scuttling-Claws on

      The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix Harrow

      Every Heart a Doorway by Seanen Mcguire

    2. I suppose *The Magicians* by Lev Grossman fits your requirement. When the characters become aware that a portal to another world exists, they purposefully seek it out. (I can’t say I enjoyed the book very much, but many people did, so why not!)

    3. {{His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman}} kind of fits, though it’s secondary characters who are looking for the portal and the MC gets swept up in their politics and machinations.

    4. Paramedic229635 on

      If wanting to go to the afterlife counts (the main character witnessed it and wants to return) try Mogworld by Yahtzee Croshaw. Main character is undead. Hijinks insue.

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