September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    WOW!!! This book is absolutely excellent, beautifully written! I grew up as a reader, but once I went to college it was so hard to keep the hobby up. Years later I am finally back into reading (thanks to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo- yes I’m very late to the party). Anyways I needed a new book to continue pulling me back into my love for reading!

    I am 170 pages in (please no spoilers!) and am in awe with Kate Morton’s work. The language, descriptions, and emotions she conveys are exquisite, *chef’s kiss*

    Anyways I just had to share with some people that will understand the enjoyment of a really good book. I am eating it up so much that I think I’ll read her other books too! Anyone else enjoy Kate Morton?

    by evilestcake

    1 Comment

    1. PantalonesPantalones on

      I’ve read a bunch of her books, not that one though, which is exciting, and her work is absolutely jaw dropping. I love Clockmaker’s Daughter, Forgotten Garden and Distant Hours.

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