July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently watched First Reformed and I loved it for its dialogue and themes. I’m looking for novels that touch on similar subjects. Novels about questioning or losing faith are also welcomed. Thanks in advance!

    by bitchesbrewmarx


    1. ScoopingBaskets on

      Oooh, great question. I watched that movie in a class about the literature of climate change, so here are some other things we studied that semester. Some will apply better than others, but hopefully you’ll find something here.

      – Parable of the Sower (Octavia Butler). This one definitely talks about climate change and faith, but since it’s written as a journal, it might lack the intense dialogue you liked in First Reformed.

      – 10:04 (Ben Lerner). This is a literary novel about a writer who’s coming to understand how climate change will affect New York City, his own future, and the lives of kids already born and as yet unborn. Something tells me you would like this one.

      – The Water Knife (Paolo Bacigalupi). This is a cli-fi thriller set in the near future, and it’s about the fight for water rights in Southwestern US cities like Phoenix and Las Vegas. There are some really interesting characters in this one.

      EDIT: typo

    2. No Longer Human by Osama Dazai has a similar vibe in its stifling depression. It’s about Japanese society though so a bit of a different vibe than First Reformed.

      Damn that’s a great movie though, Paul Schrader’s masterpiece imo.

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