September 2024
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    It seems ratings and review are always public on Goodreads. I don’t really want to see others reviews, or impact books public ratings, I just get a lot of library books and want to be able to privately track what I’ve read and my thoughts. Are there any proper apps that would be good for this, or should I just use my notes app?

    by KyoshiKorra


    1. Reading List! I switched to this from GR for that exact reason — I didn’t like the “social media” aspect of Goodreads, and just wanted to be able to track it for myself.

      The interface is incredibly easy to use. You can track current reads and your TBR. Each book you have a place to give a star rating and write notes/a review! This is how I review my books 🙂

    2. No-Athlete2113 on

      For that I use some documents on my pc. It is simple but it works for me. I have one document with a list of all the books I have read with a brief summary and some information that I consider important. And another document with a form of rating that I find the most useful.(There is a grid and on the vertical axis I have the rating and on the horizontal whether the book is for everyone, for those interested in a certain genre if its niche and if there are other books in the series that should be read first).

      Edit: I commented mostly as a reminder for later to come and check other suggestions

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