September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi 🙂

    I need help.
    I’m trying to read a book with my husband and he is into sci-fi books. I want to surprise him with a really good book we can read together but i have no idea where to start.

    Any recommendations would be extremely helpful.
    Thank you 🙂

    by motherofthechickens


    1. The Expanse series, by James SA Corey

      The Three Body Problem (and subsequent books), by Cixin Liu

      Embassytown, by China Meiville

      Will Save The Galaxy For Food, by Yahtzee Croshaw (NB, this is a comedic satire of classic sci fi, not a serious book)

    2. Sad_King_Billy-19 on

      The Bobiverse. Is fun and lighthearted with a few emotional punches. It has enough tech talk to make any sci fi fan happy without being so heavy that you need a degree to follow it. My wife and I loved them.

      The martian. Excellent book, great movie.

      For more serious books you could try Dune or Hyperion. Incredible books but much deeper and with more serious and darker tones.

      If you want to go with classic sci fi I love The Moon is a Harsh Mistress or Starship Troopers

    3. I like Hollow World by Michael J Sullivan. It’s about time travel (2k years into the future)

    4. *The Kaiju Preservation Society* is a lot of fun. Much better plotting and writing that the title would give credit, and the kind of humor that isn’t smug or obnoxious.

      *A Memory Called Empire* by Arkady Martine is fantastic and won the Hugo for best novel. Sequel came out in March 2021. About how memories live on after death and a bureaucrat takes on the job of someone who was murdered in that exact same position. She has to figure out what happened while also playing nice with the local government.

      *All Systems Red* by Martha Wells is the start of the “murderbot” series. Most all of the entries here are under 200 pages. Fast paced, funny, adventure stories with excellent lead character who is uncovering a sci-fi tinged conspiracy.

      *The Light Brigade* by Kameron Hurley is a neat mystery book about a soldier in a space war. We figure out what happened to them as they experience time jumps. The way it’s presented tells a twisty tale.

      *Recursion* by Blake Crouch is a popular book here because it’s a trippy time/dimension hopping adventure. Only thing I’ve read that’s quite like it is another one of this author’s books *Dark Matter.*

      *Tales from the Loop* by Simon Stålenhag is a fun and refreshing little break from bigger books and is basically an art book. I loved how the stories really come alive thanks to this and take that extra step of bringing you into the world.

      *To Be Taught, If Fortunate* by Becky Chambers is a beautiful sci-fi story. It’s a shorter novella, but allows for quality within that frame rather than hugely epic world building.

      *How High We Go in the Dark* by Sequoia Nagamatsu Is a collection of tales set within the same universe. The book wraps around the past/present/future of a global pandemic that wipes out a large chunk of human life. Each tale presented is a study of grief and death and how individuals deal with these very human feelings of loss. Some stories are sad and hit very hard, others fit squarely into weird fiction, but in the end with the final tale everything comes together in an unusual and extremely clever way.

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