September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. You need to start at the level of English comprehension that you have; and build up from there. And plenty of English-speaking natives find 1984 difficult!

      So though you probably want to read adult classics, perhaps start with YA books, which are written in a much more simple style – and once you start to find these too easy, you can try the classics again.

      I don’t know your age, but how about reading the Harry Potter books? I read these for the first time as an adult! [ and so have lots of people.]

      The first two books in the series are very short, and in really easy English; the later books are longer and use a slightly more advanced vocabulary – but not much. Plus, they are a really good, exciting read!

    2. honestly if you’re into romance / horror books then read “verity by cooleen hover” it’s an easy and very very very good book to start out with. i regularly had to check the dictionary but she doesn’t use abstract words from 1950 and stuff. atomic habits is another book which is easy written.

    3. TheScarletwitchhh on

      Read John green and other contemporary authors.
      Then switch to F Scott Fitzgerald(the great Gatsby )and Franz kafka(the metamorphosis)

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