July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    hi all,

    I’m looking for some cozy mysteries that focus mostly on doing research and unearthing time forgotten clues. Something where our main character(s) solves a present “thing” (crime/conspiracy/treasure location) by digging through past clues. And to make things a bit harder – I’m looking for well written books, with nice prose, something not as pulpy as Dan Brown or the likes.

    Things I read that are close to what I’m looking for: Arturo Pérez-Reverte (The Club Dumas and The Flanders Panel), The Cartographers, Symphony of Secrets, The Department of Rare Books and Special Collections…

    If you have any recommendations let me know. Thanks.

    by Dekonstruktor


    1. One for the moodboard but doesn’t quite achieve what you’re looking for…
      ‘Possession’ by A.S.Byatt is about two academics researching poets. It’s a kind of a literary cozy mystery. The story from the past seeps into the lives of the present-day characters, but unfortunately they’re not solving a present-day crime / conspiracy.

    2. Informal-Amphibian-4 on

      The historian. I don’t know if it qualifies as a mystery and it’s a vampire novel but it fits the other criteria

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