September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Title recommendations to get myself back into reading

    Hi, I’ve been very depressed lately and have been struggling a lot to find motivation to read.

    I have been a reader for most of my life but over the past months it has been hard to keep this habit. What are some books that could get me back into the pleasure of reading great stories?

    Ideally books that are short reads that i can get over in a day or a week max, so i can introduce myself slowly into this habit.

    by Saturn_01


    1. The_Woods_Police on

      If on a winter’s night a traveler by Italo Calvino. This book is a good refresher in how unique reading a book can be compared to other entertainment.

    2. I have never read more than one book per year and this year I have read almost 50 books. The first book I read was Convenience Store Woman. It’s not the best book by any means, but it’s short and a simple story, easy read. Helped me prove to myself that I’m not illiterate and can in fact finish a book.

      Good luck!

    3. **Short books I love:**

      * The Time Machine by H G Wells
      * The Great Divorce by C S Lewis

      **Collections of short reads I love:**

      * The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury
      * Andersen’s Fairy Tales
      * George MacDonald’s fairy tales
      * Oscar Wilde’s fairy tales
      * R is for Rocket by Ray Bradbury

    4. feelinglikedoodoo on

      I could never get back into reading while depressed with an “easy” book, it always takes me a super dense and awesome book that I can get lost in to get me back in the habit. Books like Notes From Underground or Blood Meridian worked for me.

    5. Have you read the Harry Potter series? Those re-ignited my love for reading a few years back.

      The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo was an entertaining, easy read that I really enjoyed this year.

    6. All Systems Red by Martha Wells. It’s standalone but the first of four connected novellas.

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