September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi there!
    I need help with my Master thesis – I’m looking for novels written by female (trans/non-binary also) authors which plot focus on Witch Trials in Italy (or fantasy worlds inspired by Italy). I read in English, Spanish, Italian, French and Polish, also German is an option. I will be truly grateful for any suggestion!
    (I’ve already found and read: “Luna Nera” by Tiziana Triana, “Le streghe di Lenzavacche” by Simona Lo Iacono, “Woda na sicie” by Anna Brzezińska and “La strega di Triora. Storia di Franchetta Borrelli” by Antonella Forte

    by eirlys_eisblume

    1 Comment

    1. That sounds very specific! I would recommend using the website WorldCat. It’s a site that a lot of libraries and librarians use. It’s easier searching for English-language books, but there’s content in every language.

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