September 2024
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    What’s your reasoning for having different editions of the same book/series?

    Why do you choose one book/series over the other books you have?

    How much are you willing to spend on editions?

    I’ve recently watched a lot of tik toks of people showing their different editions of their favorite books/series and I got curious.

    by kelseesaylor


    1. book reading and book collecting are two distinct (though often overlapping) hobbies. I like my paperbacks for reading and my hardcovers for display for my favorite series.

    2. If I have one that’s special, like a signed first addition, I might have a “normal” copy for reading/giving away.

      If I really like a book on Kindle, I might buy a physical copy as well.

    3. When I really love a book, I’ll buy a second copy. Not because of the editions, or because it’s paperback or hardcover (I’d take paperback over hardcover any day!).

      One of them, I’ll read and reread and annotate and highlight and write in the margins until it’s practically falling apart, becoming unreadable. The books I annotate become almost like journals, so they’re (in my opinion) way to personal to just keep on my shelf. So, I have my second copy pristine copy to either keep on the shelf looking pretty, or to lend to others when I recommend the book.

    4. I get books cheap, sometimes I’ll grab an extra copy as a gift for somebody. Or if a copy of mine isn’t in the best shape, or I wanna upgrade from paperback to hardback (sometimes I want both, a big hardback can be hard to travel with even though it looks nicer on a shelf).

    5. KaleidoscopeSad4884 on

      I’ll buy a special edition or a copy that’s signed. I’ve started buying editions of my favorite kid’s book that have different illustrations. There is a trilogy released all over, but I specifically only bought the books when I was in a certain country because I’m weird, so I had another copy of the second book for a while.

    6. Inevitable-Car-8242 on

      I love having different editions of my favourite books. Not because I’ll read them but because they just look so beautiful on my shelves. And I love looking through the art that often comes with them.

    7. I have two copies of The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest because I had copies of all 3 books, same print run, all different heights and widths… which is *so* annoying.

      I found another copy of TGTKTHN at a library bag sale (so it didn’t really cost me anything extra to get it). Figured if it’s yet another different size, oh well, but hopefully it actually matches at least one of the other two.

      It didn’t.

      I have a friend who loves LoTR, and she has several different editions of the series. I must admit, many of them are super cool.

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