September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    A few years ago, during COVID, I got a book called Holi-Daze by author duo Christina Lauren . It’s a book I would’ve turned my nose up to (how beneath me!) , but it was part of the Book of the Month subscription club and I thought the cute cover would look good on my coffee table as a holiday decoration.

    You guys, I was hooked! I ended up basically reading the rom com in one sitting, feeling like I was 12 years old all over again. I went to Amazon and ordered 6 more Christina Lauren books.

    And why not? I thought. Everyone was on lockdown, and I found reading a book to be a much more noble and intellectually enriching past time than doom scrolling Instagram, admiring other people’s cute kids, engagement announcements, and kissing photos, feeling bad for myself.

    So that Christmas, my opinion on books changed. While I try to incorporate life changing reads, and stretch my brain mass to it’s highest capacity without feeling like an idiot, I humbly admit I love the corny reads too.

    Bring them on .

    And the heartwarming ones.

    And the big-brain ones.

    So: please list your favorite holiday reads. If it matters, yes I’m Christian and open to religious informative texts too.

    by HEyheyHEY8666


    1. I really, really loved “Legends and Lattes” and “Bookshops and Bonedust”. They’re very easy, fun reading, they’re relatively unique in that they’re cozy action/fantasy, and they’re just a lovely little world to immerse yourself in for a while! I also loved “The House in the Cerulean Sea”. 🩵

    2. If you want fantasy hard to go wrong with the Hogfather, Terry Pratchett.
      I also read all the corny and not so corny romance I can get my hands on, lol,
      A few hits for me of the last few years for romances, mix of hetero and queer relatioships and various levels of spice:
      A Christmas Gone Perfectly Wrong, Cecilia Grant
      Being Merry, Meka James
      Jackie Lau, Only One Bed for Christmas
      Season of Love, Helena Greer
      The Lights on Knockbridge Lane, Roan Parrish

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