September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey so Im a avid book reader. I ve been into books for only a little bit over a year now.
    I ve never really read poetry and for my first book of poems i wanted to read something about love. I would like the book to be just really dramatic and I want it to have this gut-wrenching discriptions of love.
    To help yall understand a little with what i mean i wanted to give you some quotes from my favourite musicians. These will show a little bit what vibe do i want the book to give off…

    ’She’s the tear that hangs inside my soul forever.’ Thats from Jeff Buckley

    ‚I dreamt about you last night and i fell out of bed twice.’ – That is form The Smiths, Morrissey is my favourite musician and songwriter..

    And it doesnt really matter if the poems are about man or a woman. Thank you in advance!

    by FirefighterSad7151

    1 Comment

    1. If you like songwriter lyrics then sometimes poetry books by songwriters are your vibe. Leonard Cohen has a few books of poetry that might be up your alley.

      You might also enjoy Neruda. His collection “twenty love poems and a song of despair” is his most famous one.

      I’m also partial to Russian poetry, which can have some deep stuff. The Penguin Book of Russian Poetry is a great collection if you want to just flip through and see what kinds of writers you like.

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