September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Recently, I’ve been learning the Indonesian language, and I’d like to practice it by reading books. I prefer books that aren’t very grim or gritty, and I’d like to hear about books that are considered classics, but overall I’m willing to try anything that’s a good read and written in Indonesian.

    by Minister_of_Geekdom

    1 Comment

    1. Indonesian language has a little difference between the formal and informal form. Classics are written formally, while most newer books tend to be written informally.

      If you’re looking for something in the middle, “Supernova” series by Dee Lestari has a great and light sci-fi fantasy vibe.

      “Laskar Pelangi” by Andrea Hirata tells a story about underprivileged kids and their education in a semi-remote island.

      “Dylan” series by Pidi Baiq is pretty much the default coming of age literature, but it uses lots of slang words that I think will be pretty hard for new speakers. Not my cup of tea, personally.

      Another popular author is Tere Liye, but also not my cup of tea, so I can’t really comment on the content.

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