July 2024
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    1. Not sure if you mean comic as in graphic novel/manga, or comic as in ‘funny novel’.

      If the latter, then reading Terry Pratchett got me through a virus that lasted a few weeks and as TP wrote a lot of books, might help your brother in his illness.

      TP’s books are readable by beginners as the books jump right into the story, there is plenty of action, a lot of humour and the fantasy background is clever and immersive. As he reads on, he will see the deeper ideas that TP was also smuggling in [he was quite the philosopher.]

      You could begin anywhere in his ‘Discworld’ universe; I suppose he could start at the beginning and read The Colour of Magic [though tbh it’s not his best book] and read through in order of publication; or do as I did and read one at random – I was lucky and read Small Gods which is hilarious. But he doesn’t need to read in order, that’s not necessary.

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