Hi y’all I’m a 27 year old male married with kids, I’m looking for a book to read. I haven’t read an actual book for enjoyment since early high school but I’m looking for something besides screentime. A little about me:
I’m a mobile app engineer, I love space exploration (but not like sci-fi, more realistic like interstellar)
I like history and engineering feats especially when combined
I like everything about how things work
I also used to be a big John green fan back in high school. Loved perks of being a wallflower and all those books.
Please help me with some recommendations. Thanks!
by eeeeeee_im_a_dolphin
1 Comment
One book I read called Kolymsky Heights goes into a lot of technical detail that might be up your alley. It’s a spy thriller but some of the detail and thought gone into the plot is wild, probably too much for most readers, but it could be your thing.