September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! My Nan is 88 years old and is trying to get interested in reading again. She recently heard about Nineteen Steps (Millie Bobby Brown) so I found the book for my nan, my sisters, and myself. We’ll be doing a little book club this weekend to discuss and she is super excited. She likes Nineteen Steps a lot because it has similarities to her own life – she grew up in England during/post WWII, fell in love with an American airman, and moved to the US/traveled the world when they married. I’m hoping to find more historical fiction that she might relate to and enjoy.

    My Nan was born in 1935. She’s from England and lived there until her early 20s. After she married my grandpa, they moved around a lot due to my grandpa being in the air force – New York, Italy, North Dakota, Virginia, Germany, England, all over. If you can think of any historical fiction books that my Nan might enjoy based on all of this, please let me know! She’s shared a lot of stories about what it was like being young in England during the war and what Europe was like post-war. I’d love to find something in that subject area.

    by ValiantCrawdad15

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