July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve really enjoyed reading stories about interpersonal dynamics (relationships in families, romantic, etc). But man, most of them have really been toxic relationships or sad situations. haha! Looking for well developed characters and story line. Doesn’t have to be all happy, but looking for something with positive dynamic at some point. Bonus points if it offers a unique perspective about human relationships.

    Preferably fiction or memoir.

    Some examples of stories I enjoyed recently: The Normal People, Parable of the Sower, Educated

    by LadyMGordon


    1. Becky Chambers’s “Wayfarer” series are slive-of-life space-jazz about various space travelers. Nobody’s perfect, and bad things do happen. But everyone’s generally trying their best to do right by eachother. They tend to be lighter on storyline and more character-driven, though.

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