July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I really want to get back at reading regularly again. My favourite genre is medieval fantasy, and favourite book is the wise man’s fear (King killer chronicles).
    Do you have any nice recommendations? I really want it to have a bit of romance (can be spicy or not) and some fae stuff
    Thanks 🙂

    Ps: I don’t really line enemies to lovers, but I can give it a chance if it’s really good
    Ps2: I doesn’t have to be heavy on romance, just a lil bit to spice it up. But I’m not against it either

    by righelina


    1. A Wind in Cairo by Judith Tarr- though do check out all her books. She’s phenomenal.

      Content warning: there is (non-explicit) sexual assault, though the perpetrator faces consequences.

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