July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    english is not my first language, and even though im pretty fluent the vocabulary of some non fiction literature can be too much sometimes. here are some authors i’ve enjoyed to show people what kind of non fiction literature i am interested in: noam chomsky, audre lorde, edward said, tommie shelby, paulo freire. recently finished mutual aid by dean spade

    but! im open to new topics as well. would really appreciate any suggestions

    by highlydistressed


    1. Anything by Michael Lewis, he writes about current affairs topics, varying from sport to economics and politics.

      As a journalist his writing is lighter in style than some of those you’ve mentioned. Less academic, with a more narrative approach. I suggest picking a topic he has covered that interests you as a starting point. I’ve read a lot of his books and I enjoyed all of them. For example I don’t know the first thing about baseball, but I enjoyed Moneyball which looks into the game from a unique angle.

    2. pleasantrevolt on

      Sounds like you have good taste. : )

      Michael Parenti has written lots of books, very easy to follow and plain language. Blackshirts & Reds is a must.

      a few other suggestions:

      The Road to Hell – Michael Maren

      A People’s History of the United States – Howard Zinn

      Black Skins, White Masks – Frantz Fanon

    3. *Born a Crime* by Trevor Noah is fascinating, educational, eye-opening, hilarious, and easy to read.

      Enjoy whatever you pick up next! 🙂

    4. if you like war books the killing zone my time in vietnam by fredrick Downs jr. is a first person account for most of the book and is actually a series but i havent read past the first one. it was easy to listen to in audiobook form.

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