July 2024
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    1. Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill

      The Fireman by Joe Hill

      He’s one of Stephen King’s sons. Writes a lot like his dad, to my mind.

    2. Ghost Story by Peter Straub is fantastic. He’s written two books with King and has a similar style, I think I like him a little better though

    3. `Peter Straub` is excellent IMO. However, just to throw this out there, the books that OP’s family member has read, barely even scratch the surface of Stephen King’s writing.

      What about `The Dark Tower` series?
      What about `The Talisman` and `Black House`? (These were written by King _and_ Straub).
      What about `The Long Walk`?
      What about `Cell`?

      And there are many, many others.

      That said, I think another author they might like is `Hugh Howie`. My favorite by him is `The Silo Series`.

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