July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey all

    I’ve grown to prefer nonfiction as a reader. I find becoming engrossed in new conflicts and plots and becoming invested in new sets of characters to be an emotionally exhausting process. It takes a lot for me to find new things that really spark my interest.

    I don’t struggle with nonfiction, however. Becoming emotionally invested in real historical figures is something that I can do with relative ease, and I find the wealth of information tied together with a narrative to be something that I really enjoy. I really enjoyed Man-Eater, by Harold Schecter, and I’m working my way through The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

    I come to you guys to ask for suggestions that are *heavy on the lore*, *unapologetically so*. I want to find an author that violates one of the sacred rules of writing; **I want to be told, not shown**.

    If you guys have any recommendations for fiction that reads like nonfiction, I’m absolutely interested in scarfing down any of your suggestions.

    Looking forward to your responses :]

    by Raccoon-2

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