September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    In Chapter 5 of the novel —
    Why did neither of the Rosens tell Deckard that Rachel was an Android until Deckard figured it out, when it would’ve benefited the Rosen’s upon the test’s initial results?
    Why did they bribe him with the owl upon informing him of the test being recorded and for what purpose?

    Could someone please clarify this for me? As I’m having a hard time trying to grasp the answer of these questions with how the wording of the book is.

    by ProgrammedBoredom


    1. According to ChatGPT, “The reason the Rosens didn’t tell Deckard that Rachel was an android is part of the plot exploration of empathy and the blurred lines between humans and androids. The ambiguity and moral questions surrounding the true nature of the characters contribute to the novels thematic depth.”

    2. They wanted to see how Rachel not knowing would impact the test results. If they told Deckard, that’s another fly in the ointment for the experiment. They were basically conducting a double blind test.

      Edit: the owl was for him to keep his mouth shut. Rachel would have to be killed if anyone found out.

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