September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i just finished re-reading ‘a child called it’ by david felzer and i realised that i don’t have any similar books (other than the trilogy) to read.

    any sort of realistic crime or something along those lines would be awesome, though i would prefer it to not have any sort of sexual abuse.

    thank you (:

    by gendersocks


    1. trying_to_adult_here on

      The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog by Bruce D. Perry and Maia Szalovitz and Born for Love by the same authors. Perry is an MD/PhD psychiatrist specializing in childhood trauma and how children can heal. The books both feature several case studies. Some of them do talk about sexual abuse, though, generally in short, clinical descriptions not graphically.

      Slenderman by Kathleen Hale. The story of the Slenderman Stabbing by two tween girls

      Why Does He Do That by Lundy Bancroft- it’s about abusive men and how they think. It’s a spectacular resource for anyone in an abusive relationship and fascinating reading as well.

      ETA: Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan. It’s about how cults lure people in and keep them isolated (and how to stay away). It include’s the author’s account of how he was recruited into a cult and his years there.

    2. Stella_After_Dark on

      Murphy’s Boy and Ghost Girl by Torey Hayden
      Non-fiction books she wrote about real children she worked with, specifically children that had gone non-verbal because of abuse. She has several books but those are the ones I read. Hard to read, but good if I am remembering correctly. It’s been 15 years or so since I read them.

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