July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking to buy my mom and dad both feminist books for christmas but I’m looking for a different type for each (both fiction books though)

    For my dad, I want a subtle feminist book which will make him open his eyes. He calls himself a feminist but isn’t really when we talk about it. I kind of want a book that will make him reflect.

    For my mom, I’d like a book that shows the struggle of womanhood and motherhood. Her kids are all older now and she’s very happy now but she’s been through a lot and I’d like a book that makes her feel seen and not so alone. My mom however is a feminist and a strong one but I think she struggles to relate to some things. Again not necessarily an in your face feminist book but something that will make her feel.

    Thanks for any suggestions:))

    by Diaryland


    1. You’re going to give your parents gifts that are all about you and your concerns? I can’t think of many things more selfish.

    2. Trouble with lichen by wyndam

      Shockingly forward thinking. Science fiction leaning.

      Vox, the power (by alderman), handmaid’s tale, native tongue are all dystopians that are feminist but also adventure…. B sure to look at summaries as some might be more what you are looking for than others

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