September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am looking for books in the fashion of Song of Achilles by Madeleine Miller. Specifically:

    – not taking place in the modern world. Mythology, fantasy, period… something more like that
    – “subtle” romance (if at all). I am not a romance reader because I don’t like most tropes. That’s why I wasn’t sure about starting SoA, but I really liked the theme going on there. I don’t like triangles, chapters full of miscommunication and fights because nobody talks with each other. I’m getting irritated by stuff like that quite quickly and drop the book if it gets too obnoxious
    – no excessive sex scenes going on for two chapters and happing all four chapters. I don’t shy from smut but if it’s overused it’s getting boring
    – (if romance) preferably queer, but hetero is fine too
    – I don’t have any triggers, as long as sensitive topics are implemented in a qualitative manner and are handled as such. For example, all this “dark romance” stuff that’s often trending on book tok, glorifying abusive and toxic behaviour is an absolute no go for me
    – a happy ending isn’t necessary
    – feminist themes are absolutely welcome
    – bonus: if anyone has suggestions for books about Persephone & Hades or Medusa, I’d be more than happy! For example the “A touch of…”-books by St. Clair are absolutely not my cup of tea

    I’m not a native speaker (it’s probably obvious) but i have no problem with “hard reads” because of old fashioned writing. I mostly read English classic literature!
    I scrolled through booktok looking for suggestions but nothing really peaked my interest, maybe you can help!
    Thank you in advance 🙂

    by teliestra


    1. Madeleine Miller also wrote *Circe,* which I enjoyed more than Song of Achilles, and is more or less a feminist coming of age story.

      I think she’s working on one about Persephone.

    2. There is “Ariadne”, “Elektra”, and Atlanta” by Jennifer Saint. Constaza Casati wrote another called “Clytemnestra” Another I can think of is “Silence of the Girls” by Pat Barker. Till We have Faces” by CS Lewis, “Ithaca” and “House of Odysseus” by Claire North. Also “Stone Blind” (Medusa Story) by Natalie Hayes.

      Also just to add Madeline Miller has also written a Greek retelling short story called “Galatea”. Mentioning it just incase you haven’t read that one

    3. Got one for you – on Medusa and other characters from the world of Greek myth. It’s feminist too, and has dashes of dry humour; the author, Natalie Haynes, is a stand up comic as well as a writer on classical themes.

      **Stoneblind.** It’s very good and guaranteed no mlm romance as in SoA!

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