July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My mom LOVES Agatha Christie (not the Tuppance and Tommy books as much). I’m looking for a good book to get her for Xmas that she’ll enjoy. She loves a good mystery that she can’t figure out, and she isn’t into smut or smartass characters who are mean just to be mean (meaning, the author thinks it makes their character seem edgy or cool to be an asshole to everyone.) She just likes a nice, well written, impossible to crack mystery. Any advice? A series would be great too!

    by Asking_Passengers2


    1. ApprehensiveCopy309 on

      I’m also a 70 year old devotee of Agatha Christie. Books not really like Christie, but I enjoy authors JAJance whose main character is Joanna Brady a Sheriff in the Southwest (also a different series with JPBeaumont a police detective in Seattle Wa. Faye Kellerman also good with series characters Peter Dekker, a police detective and his wife Rina. And Tony Hillerman writes wonderful books set in the Navajo Nation. I don’t think of these as Christie-like but they aren’t full of blood and guts and not full of crass hero’s. I enjoy the main characters.

    2. TheOtherAdelina on

      Does she like any of the other Golden Age authors like Dorothy Sayers or Ngaio Marsh or Margery Allingham?

      I like the Mary Russell books by Laurie R King. The first is “The Beekeeper’s Apprentice.” The “beekeeper” is Sherlock Holmes and his apprentice is 15 year old orphan Mary Russell.

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