September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello all, I just recently got back into reading recently and I’m looking for a truly scary novel that I can’t put down. I just finished the last time I lied by Riley Sager, but it was only okay. I’m almost done with the only one left and it’s only been okay so far. I’ve still enjoyed them, but I would love some banger horror recommendations. I’m down for thriller recommendations too. Thank you!

    by ToolGroupie


    1. What kind of horror do you find scary? For me books are hard to really feel fear but a few books had little scenes in them that made me a little scared.

      One of the books is the classic Stephen King pet cemetery.

      One book that didn’t insert fear but stress was House of leaves. But that one is really hard to read, but the psychological horror worked really well for me. Took me ages though to get through that book.

    2. if you’re into horror, definitely check out The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson. It’s a classic that’s guaranteed to give you chills!

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