September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just read The Five by Hallie Rubenhold, and I loved it, and I’m hoping someone can suggest something similar.

    It was rich in historical detail and unbelievably well researched. It was also deeply empathetic. I love the Victorian time period it examines but would also be open to something about the gilded age. Dark subject matter a plus.

    Does anyone have any recommendations? Nonfiction is the hope, but I’m open to historical fiction as well. Thank you!

    by dontsagoodbyeb

    1 Comment

    1. I loved the five, but havent quite found a similar book. But heres some similar reads i liked

      The maise dobbs series by jacqueline winspear is a good detective series (fictional)

      Book women of troublesome creek by kim michele richardson is also very good, also fiction but based on a real blue skinned family

      Alone on the ice by david roberts and jenny piening is a great description of a artic exploration

      Radium girls by kate moore is a description of the case against the company that had women paint radium on clock faces, and suffer health consequences

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