October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am a 23 year old male who is struggling with life at the moment. I’m going through a brutal breakup, have no motivation to exceed in my masters program, and am lacking all confidence and motivation right now. I just want to work to feel like the confident person I was in the past.

    Anybody read any books that have helped pull them out of really hard slumps?

    by Separate-Koala-8634


    1. CheerfulErrand on

      **The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People** by Stephen Covey.

      Yes, it sounds ridiculous, and it’s full of what is now business-speak, but using those words (in less silly ways) started here and it IS life changing, very compassionate and wise.

      I hope you feel better soon. That’s way too much.

    2. Syed_Ali-Haider on

      You can read “***13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do***” by ***Amy Morin***.

    3. Three authors: Terry Pratchett, Christopher Moore, and Robert B Parker. They all with with fiction, but all offer characters who go through the ringer and keep going.

      It’s also such a meme, but hit the gym, close social media, and get outside.

    4. Captured_Photons on

      May seem like a weird suggestion, but a book called Deep Survival by Laurence Gonzales. It sounds like it would be all about lighting fires and stuff – and it’s mostly centered on wilderness survival, but it’s about living life and the mentallity to survive any difficult situations like break ups, and such.

      Plus its interesting and mixed with stories of people surviving different situations

    5. Could be unpopular here, but Jordan Peterson had some good advice before he went wacko on pain killers. 12 Rules For Life is challenging, fun, and useful.

    6. reddit-just-now on

      The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson.

      I would also advocate being kind to yourself on a daily basis.

      All the best.

    7. Unlucky-Pudding4959 on

      I felt very similar things throughout my undergraduate studies. I began reading non fiction books. I’ll list a few that helped me a lot.

      Non fiction:

      Mans Search for meaning – Viktor Frankl

      Atomic Habits – James Clear

      12 rules for life – Jordan Peterson

      The Obstacle is the way – Ryan Holiday

      Meditations – Marcus Aurelius

      Can’t hurt me – David Goggins

      Never Finished – David Goggins


      The Road by Cormac McCarthy

      Brave New World – Aldous Huxley

      If I had to filter this list down and recommend the ones that helped me most, I would recommend these.

      Can’t hurt me by David Goggins (this audio book is great.)
      Mans search for meaning – Viktor Frankl
      12 rules for life – Jordan Peterson

      All of these books helped me a lot. I would read the blurbs of the books I posted, along with ones other people have shared. Chose 3-5 that speak the most to you and start there. Don’t expect to read a book and magically feel better. You won’t. It’ll take time but you’ve taken the first step to better yourself. Remind yourself of your victories and push for the end goal. It’ll be worth it. Speak to people in your life to help you as well. I would also recommend some sort of routine for reflection. You can write this down in a journal- that’s what I do – or you can set 10-30 minutes everyday to separate yourself from any distractions. Express gratitude for what you have, remind yourself of what you want and the type of person you want to become. You got this!

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