September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I downloaded other available ebooks online and I’ve noticed this is the case too except for newly published editions under reputable publishers.

    Is this an error by my book edition from Paper Mill Press (Book Depot) or is this really the way the original text was written? If so, was this deliberately written by George Orwell?

    It kinda irks me that it doesn’t use the proper punctuations, and I don’t want it to spoil my mood while reading. I know it’s a remarkable book, but I’m quite a perfectionist (I hate that about me).

    by blackth0rn3


    1. AutoModerator on

      We have noticed your thread’s title mentioned a popular book title in /r/books. Please consider visiting some of [these recent threads!](/r/books/search?q=1984&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) You might also enjoy the subreddit /r/1984!

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    2. Not an error.

      Sometimes single apostrophes were used for dialogue, particularly in older books.

    3. As far as I know, the usual convention in British English is using single quote marks, while the usual convention in American English is using double quote marks. It’s not at all an error.

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