September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I finally realized I love podcasts and audiobooks so my ADHD can listen while doing a task. I recently realized there were books included in Spotify Premium (which I have). Currently listening to Jeannette McCurdy’s book.

    Genre’s I enjoy are biographies (Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are two I’ve read), historical fiction, and fiction books similar to the “Hunger Games”. Not a fan of self help since they tend to drone on about the same few things. “The Giver” got me into dystopian fiction and “Marie, Dancing” along with “Constant Princess” got me into historical fiction.

    by BeautifulSeries902

    1 Comment

    1. Since there’s only 15 hours of listening on Spotify, I suggest looking into Libby or Hoopla from your library as well! Unlimited listening hours.

      For books similar to the Hunger Games: The Maze runner was a good dystopia, the first Divergent novel was good, The Host, the Lunar Chronicles

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