July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Medieval fantasy or sci-fi is ok.

    Okay they don’t have to be entirely silent, give 1 word replies, or stands brooding in the corner.

    But I do want them to be more skilled / more intelligent than they let on.

    by 912827161


    1. The Ranger’s Apprentice series by John Flanagan. It’s YA medieval fantasy, probably a quarter of the cast fits this bill. (Halt is the main one, but Erak, Malcolm, and arguably Alyss all fit the mold.)

    2. Hm, this may not be exactly what you’re looking for, as he’s a fairly minor character all things considered, but Harding Grim from The First Law trilogy (medievalish fantasy) fits this description well. Doesn’t contribute a ton verbally, but what he does contribute is always fantastic. I had a smile on my face almost all the time when he was on the page. His quietness is used to great effect and he delivers some of the most powerful lines in the series imo. He’s also incredibly skilled and the other characters respect the hell out of him. A badass all around, he’s one of my favorites from the trilogy for sure

    3. The Burke series. Character in question even goes by Max the Silent. Andrew Vachss is the author. It’s intense, though. Not SciFi. Not for the squeamish.

    4. moothecat2018 on

      *Aurora Rising* By Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. Every one of the characters are awesome, but Zila (The silent one) has such a good backstory and arc across the trilogy.

    5. Best Serve Cold and Red Country by Abercrombie.

      Chatacter Named: Friendly. He’s an ex con obsessed with numbers and odds.

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