July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    hello, I am looking for a dark academia book suggestion. I’ve looked at “if we were villains”, “the secret history” and “the atlas six” but I’m new to reading books and books always seem to never keep my attention. I’ve recently gotten into comics and now want to give a regular book a try and have always loved academia and its aesthetic. (any dark academia comic suggestions appreciated too).

    by Cillian11


    1. The secret history is really the gold standard for dark academia books, I highly highly recommend it. It’s very readable and isn’t terribly long.

      Babel by RF Kuang is another popular one, it takes place largely at Oxford but has more of a Harry Potter feel than secret history or other dark academia books. It’s also super readable and may be an easier start (though I personally think it’s not nearly as good as TSH!)

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