July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I really hate series where in each book, a different couple or main character takes center stage. I just want a long series of books (at least 3 books) following one couple or just one main character. It can be in any genre of fiction- I don’t care. It’s more the story that I care about and I prefer long(er) series, ideally available as audiobooks. Can you please give me some recommendations?

    Please do not recommend Patricia Briggs- I already read at least 3 books in each of her series and I didn’t hate them but I didn’t love them. Ditto with the Hallows by Kim Harrison.

    Stuff that I dislike:

    \-Erotica– there is nothing I hate more than a book where most of the plot is sex OR worse, when I’m 3 chapters into a fantasy novel and BAM an orgy randomly happens in the book. The sex stuff should be in moderation.

    \-Love triangles -seriously, just no

    \-Women fighting over the same guy – seriously, just no

    \-Books where the main character is under 18


    Series I like or love:

    \-The October Daye Series by Seanan Mcguire (I read most of Seanan Mcguire’s series)

    \-The Miss Fortune Series by Jana DeLeon

    \-The Firebird Chronicles by T.A. White

    \-The Seafare Chronicles (Also known as Bear, Otter, and the Kid Series) by TJ Klune

    \-Red Dirt Series by N.R. Walker

    \-The Kate Daniels Series by Ilona Andrews (I read most of the series by Ilona Andrews)

    \-The Tarot Sequence by K.D. Edwards

    \-The Heartstrikers by Rachel Aaron (I read all of Rachel Aaron’s series)

    \-The Sasha Urban Series by Dima Zales and Anna Zales

    \-The Kitty Norville Series by Carrie Vaughn

    by psych_is_a_science

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