September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I HATE the fantasy genre, but I am about 75% through The Secret History and it’s one of the best books I’ve ever read. I enjoy the literature/university/friendship aspects of the book, and the main character is easy to relate to … however, every recommendation similar to it is a fantasy novel, which i find annoying.. or it’s just something REALLY boring that lacks the traits I enjoy about The Secret History. I’m also not crazy about the Greek or murder aspects, because I don’t know anything about Greek, and I think the murder takes away from the relatability of the characters. but I can’t nitpick too much considering those are the main traits of the novel

    I am just mainly looking for novels centered around groups of student friends. Intellegent, pretentious, and emotionally mature students. I also heavily prefer the main character to be male

    …anyway …. please help???

    by Substantial_Block_72

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