September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I started and stopped several books recently. It’s not that the books are bad but that I can’t seem to find the want to keep reading, and sometimes I push myself to finish them just so I can finish instead of dnf. It’s not that I’m not liking the books or that they’re bad – I have no problem putting down a book I don’t like. It’s just like once I get partway through, I just stop wanting to read.

    Last night I finished Wicked Fox. I really liked it a lot, but I also had to make myself start the reading last night or I would have let it sit at 73% waiting to feel the urge again.

    I like romance as long as it isn’t the full main plot. I usually live fantasy or scifi and a lot of ya books. I don’t enjoy reading smut or graphic violence. I was on a horror kick this summer but that’s fallen through now. I’m just sort of lost on what to read.

    I bought the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes this morning and I expect that will keep me interested. I think I want books like that, maybe?

    Books like the hunger games, or dramas, or really anything at all you think I might like. I also really love the Black Witch Chronicles.

    Any suggestions are welcome!

    by zombiewitches


    1. unlovelyladybartleby on

      Are you maybe stressed out or depressed? I’m a huge book nerd, but when I’m overwhelmed, my brain scatters, and I can’t follow a book. When that happens, I double down on self care and reread some comforting old favorites until things ease up. Worst comes to worse, I pull out Calvin and Hobbes.

    2. Maybe try some short story collections, something with bite sized investments, but in a different genre to what you usually read.

      Might help if it has a common theme so you can get a flavour of something outside of your usual reads. Detective stories for example “Invisible Blood” is a collection of 17 detective/thriller stories with major authors in the genre, sharing a short story with one of their well known (in the genre) characters as the lynchpin. Short stories of necessity have to be punchy and well edited. So there are often high impact, but have a low time investment on the reader’s part.

    3. ComplexSorry6592 on

      I used to love to read as a child. It’s harder for me to get into now as an adult though. Audiobooks have really helped though because I can color or cook or do another project while also enjoying the story. Maybe give that a shot.

    4. novel-opinions on

      I’m going to suggest a short book that’s not along the lines of what you mentioned. {{The Cybernetic Tea Shop by Meredith Katz}} is a sci-fi with light romance, no smut. If you just want to get a notch in your reading belt, this could do it. Since you don’t really know what you’re looking for, you may want to just complete one.

    5. Queenofhackenwack on

      i used to think that if i started a book, i had to finish it no matter how mucj it “sucked” i don’t do that any more… when i go to the library, i have a list and will grab five books… it a book does not hook me in the first few pages, i put it down… i am fussy about what i read now….. my cousin talked me into reading ken follett’s pillars of the earth series… i have enough to read for about a year…..( i fall asleep reading, so it takes me a while ) there are a lot of good suggestions here!

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