September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I need a book suggestion for my wife. We have a baby and want to read more instead of using our phones.

    I read a lot, but she normally only reads for work. We made a book club where we pick books for each other, but she doesn’t like my choices. I have finished all three of her recommendations, (That she got women’s leadership group, so they were How to Win Friends and Influence People (uggg that book gets worse with each reread, Power, and some other similar type book) I chose Lord of the Flies, Bonfire of the Vanities and maybe Liars Poker or Den of Thieves or Predators Ball (One of those 90s finance nonfiction classics)

    She hasn’t nt even finished Lord of the Flies and is complaining about the picks I have lined up. My local librarian thought that my picks were perhaps too typical for a middle aged guy and suggested The Great Gatsby. She expressed interest but never started.

    I want to find a book that she will like and we can talk about. She likes realistic, engaging, and funny or maybe romantic. I thought that Lord of the Flies was something that would grab your attention and read in one night, so if anyone has a suggestion? Fiction, nonfiction anything I am desperate!

    by AdvancedProfessor266


    1. ComplexSorry6592 on

      Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson. It hits all the marks you asked for minus the romance. It’s a memoir so very realistic.

    2. ______ptr______ on

      Like the other commenter said, comedic memoirs might do it! Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood is one of my all time favorites. Very funny and very smart and well written. I also like anything by Samantha Irby, Jessi Klein, or David Sedaris.

      For fiction, Nina Stibbe’s books are charming and funny. Jennifer Egan is not quite as light/humorous but I find her books really engaging.

      If any of these authors appeal to you guys I can help you narrow it down to a title!

    3. Also, roam a bookstore together. Let her browse and see if anything jumps out at her. Teach her to read a little of the beginning?

      Also- audiobooks are a good way to get someone into books if they struggle. Maybe she has an audiobook and physical copy to follow along with?

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