September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! Looking for scifi/dystopian/apocalyptic/futuristic fiction specifically with dark or screwed-up religious themes—for example, something like The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell, or The Handmaid’s Tale. I do tend to struggle with classic scifi sometimes (I know Dune would probably fall into the category of what I’m looking for but I couldn’t get through it lol) so some slightly more modern suggestions would be ideal, but I could be convinced on some classics if they aren’t absurdly dense.


    by pioneer5432


    1. I think The Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons might be up your alley!

      A futuristic universe beset by multiple religious conflicts, some gruesome, and human struggle against an almost religious AI that culminates on a single mysterious world.

    2. CrazySpookyGirl on

      His Dark Materials trilogy kinda fits the bill but you might consider it more fantasy than sci Fi. It’s also relatively more modern than dune since it’s from the 90s. Coming of age story with multidimensional travel.

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