July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    \- more than likely copyright 1980-1995 (I remember having it where we lived when I was around 6 so that would have been 1991).
    \- Pretty sure marketed as a bedtime story book (like 5 minute stories for bedtime)
    \- anthology type book
    \- it was not about known characters so not Disney or Pixar or looney tunes
    \- I think it had the amount of time it would take to read at the beginning of each story
    \- hard backed but not cushioned
    \- illustrated but not highly illustrated
    \- it was a big book and rather thick (or big and thick to a six year old)
    \[just realized I can’t do a imgur link but that’s fine\]
    I did a doodle of the only thing that keeps coming back to my mind is what could be a farmer, a witch or an old woman (or a combination or all three) talking to either a turnip, a yam or a ground dwelling animal like a groundhog (my head first immediately went to a talking yam).
    All I keep seeing is the person leaning over and the creature looking up talking and reaching or motioning with an arm.
    I have seen and read the story “Talk” with Baba Yaga and I’m 45% sure that ISN’T the one I keep thinking of. I just can’t seem to remember anything else.
    Attempting to remember more the other day with “okay the book is in your lap and you’re looking at it” type thing and the only thing that came to me was the name Baba Yaga. I don’t know for sure if it connects with the book or just my synapsis firing weirdly and connecting to something else instead.
    If I can add anything else I will try. Thanks for any thoughts/suggestions in advance

    by Then-Grass-9830

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