September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    Basically the title, I feel most books I read the protagnist is in a crappy marriage/engagement, recently broken up with or otherwise scorned by love. I’d love to read a book with a strong marriage, genders of partners not important.

    Like I want to see this couple overcome the conflict together while leaning on each other and drawing strength from the relationship.

    I mostly read realistic fiction with a focus on interpersonal/familial dynamics but I also enjoy sy-fy and fantasy. Id be open to a biography of some kind as well. Preferably recentish releases from the last five years or so and not a historical fiction.

    Thank you!

    by msaceamazing


    1. Active-Upstairs-2478 on

      Hm maybe Jenny Colgan’s? She writes some interconnected series where you see reappearing characters and the relationships tend to be traditional and steady after they’re established. So like when you see them pop up in another book, they’re still married and dealing with X or Y or having another kid or opening a new business.

    2. Fuzzy-Palpitation271 on

      Try “Before I Let Go” by Kennedy Ryan

      Edit: sorry I misread your post. This is sort of what you’re looking for but not really. It’s still good tho.

    3. MagiciansAlliance_ on

      Our Wives Under the Sea (not the happiest ending, but a beautiful love story- also sci-fi)

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