September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    To clarify, I *DO NOT* want “cozy books”where the plot is low stakes and nothing bad happens. I *do* want books where characters are put in real peril and have to be brave, but that still include comforting moments of respite, perhaps that take time to describe a warm bed in an inn, beautiful fabrics and garments, a feast of delicious food, a magnificent castle.

    Basically I want fantasy books with significant conflict, but broken up with moments of relief in a way that makes for good escapism. Especially if there is rich description that makes me want to be in the book.

    Books I’ve read that kind of have this vibe:
    – Sabriel
    – The Golden Compass
    – The Night Circus
    – The Starless Sea
    – Stardust
    – The Princess Bride
    – Graceling
    – The Tale of Despereaux
    – The Golem and the Jinni
    – The Bear and the Nightingale
    – Princess Academy
    – The Chronicles of Narnia

    There is a lot of middle grade or young adult fiction on that list. I would love for some adult suggestions if possible, but I understand that this particular style of fantasy is often written for children because adult fantasy authors assume you always want things to be gritty 🙁

    Would love any suggestions! Bonus if it feels a bit wintry, though that’s not necessary.

    by IReadBooksSometimes


    1. {{The Goblin Emperor}} has cozy atmosphere, reasonably high stakes and takes place in the late autumn and winter.

    2. I think Bujold’s fantasy books would be exactly to your taste. The Curse of Chalion and, in the same world, Penric’s Demon have the most tremendous mix of nailbiting chaos and sumptuous description.

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