September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Do you have any experiences with self published books from new/unknown authors? I’m considering checking that area out since the traditional published books are becoming so very similar due to the strict standards which lead to almost for every publishing house to deal with no authors but those they work with for years. Short story long: Books are becoming extremely repetitive and so BORING!!!

    What do you say?

    by somwthinglikeawriter


    1. >which lead to almost for every publishing house to deal with no authors but those they work with for years

      Publishers continuously bring in new writers…


      >Do you have any experiences with self published books from new/unknown authors?

      Fantasy/scifi space has had some good ones, but the problem is finding them. I’d recommend just sitting back and looking for posts on reddit or elsewhere of self-published recommendations rather than digging through the piles to look for a gem. Also, my rule of thumb is frankly to throw out anything with an awful cover. If they couldn’t be bothered to pay for a cover artist, then it’s unlikely they paid for an editor.

    2. There’s a real danger is self published books, because often the writer think more highly of his/her work than the reader (I worked a short time fir a publisher, sorting through send-in manuscripts, which was fun and frustrating at the same time). I have bought a few, if I get to talk to the writer first and it sounds appealing. One was actually good enough to get published, the others were entertaining.

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