September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    It’s not the main character well sorta it’s a main character but he’s not THE main character.

    It’s Rodger from the outlander series like just go away. If you’ve only watched the show trust me he’s way worse in the books.

    Like bro just go tf away I can’t keep reading about you!

    He’s not even seen as a bad guy like no he’s written I think as like oh a flawed human being but he loves her so much and he’s really a good guy. But no he’s awful I hate him.

    I’m on the 4th main novel I hope he gets killed off at some point then never mentioned again because I can’t even.

    I think maybe he was written to sorta be like Jamie. How Jamie and Claire’s relationship is push and pull and sometimes even a bit too aggressive imo. But Rodger and Jamie are not the same at all uh uh not at all. Briana and Rodgers relationship is like the Walmart version of Claire and Jamie. Like the poor girl needs a different guy.

    There are 9 main novels so far and they’re BIG BOOKS so lots of reading too much of Rodger in them

    How do I survive this?! I love the books but sometimes I find myself pausing for several days after I’ve just read two chapters staring Rodger in a row and oh here’s a third

    by MooMooTheDummy


    1. it’s like having an uninvited guest who refuses to leave the story party. I usually power through, hoping they’ll either redeem themselves or get a fictional timeout. But hey, the drama they bring keeps things interesting, right?

    2. fyodor_mikhailovich on

      I just keep reading because I am an adult and I realize that I don’t have to like a character for me to enjoy the novel.

    3. There’s a series I’ve been trying to finish for years. Hell, I think I started this one book in like 2018 or something. But I can’t get myself to really read it because I can’t stand the deuteragonist.

    4. Former-Departure9836 on

      I don’t aim to love every character in every book , in fact I think it’s better if you don’t love the characters . If I read books where I only lived the characters I would be missing out on a lot of literature . It’s almost something you have to embrace as a reader as it helps you identify what you do and don’t like in the world

    5. Super_Rando_Man on

      I hate listen to the deadwood mysteries. Love the writing the world the supporting characters. I hate the main or at least her parenting, so I hope for character growth and relish the bs she suffers. Others like Rudy from dresden files I just pray they outlive their usefulness.

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