September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I’m looking for books and authors which are ”good with words’. What I mean is, I’m looking for stuff where they are good at painting a picture with words, the words and sentences flow really well, the choice of words is good, stuff like that. I think this is called ‘good prose’. I’m not sure though.

    Thanks in advance. Happy Reading!

    by SpiritualSpectre


    1. The Old Man and the Sea is a delightful book written in clear, clean language. Highly recommend it!

    2. Try Sophie’s Choice. The language could be difficult at times, but I could paint a perfect mental picture of every scene being described.

    3. anynononononous on

      What about F. Scott Fitzgerald? If your looking for classic works, I feel like his stuff is incredibly vivid.

      If you like wordplay, cleverness, and great emotion try watching something like Hamlet or Romeo+Juliet and throw the closed captioning on. I wouldn’t suggest reading it unless you’re very comfortable with old modern English.

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